GSVF 2024 LIVE in Graz
Virtualization of Software-Defined Vehicles
Following the motto “Move with the times, or get left behind” we’re aiming for a FRESH-MODERN-REINVENTED vibe. The GSVF appears in a new light, dedicating an entire day to everything surrounding the theme “Virtualization of Software-Defined Vehicles.” We’ve already confirmed 4 speakers. We’re excited to welcome Jan Becker from Apex AI, Dirk Slama from Bosch, Martin Benedikt from SETLabs, and Andreas Lauringer from Kontrol.
Additionally, this year, there will be a masterclass on the topic: “Is the European automotive industry now missing the next wave after electrification – why is this happening and what urgently needs to change”
How fascinating does that sound to you? We’re looking forward to the new GSVF format and hope you’ll join us.
The GSVF 2024 focuses on methods, tools, and processes for ensuring the virtualization of software-defined vehicles.
Take the opportunity to make new connections or reconnect with existing ones, to showcase your company or attract new customers in a laid-back environment.
We would be delighted to welcome you back to the community this year at the 17th GSVF 2024, happening in Graz, Austria, on September 26, 2024.
Our FULL Program is now available: PROGRAM
Pre-Up Information: GSVF kicks off on 25 September 2024 with a dinner at the Skybar (Schloßberg Graz) and concludes on 26 September 2024 at 6 p.m.
Book your ticket now, please register online.
Are you interested in exhibiting with us?
All documents are available here.
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