New Book Release Features Chapter by VIRTUAL VEHICLE and Infineon Austria
We are pleased to announce the release of a new book as part of the EU project iRel40 (Intelligent Reliability 4.0). The project results of several participating partners have been published in the book “Recent Advances in Microelectronics Reliability”, which is available through Springer Professional.
The book addresses various aspects of faults and degradation in microelectronic components, as well as their reliability analysis.
VIRTUAL VEHICLE in collaboration with Infineon Austria contributed with a chapter entitled „Early Lifetime Estimation for Automotive LIDAR using Realistic L4 Usage Profiles“. The burn-in phase of the electronic components was mapped to the operation of a LIDAR sensor during application in Level 4 automated driving shuttles. The aim was to validate this initial phase of the lifespan using a realistic driving and weather profile.
We are proud of the collaborative work and achievements, and we hope that this book provides valuable insights for professionals and researchers in the field of microelectronics.