Our Test Bench – Your Solution

Test Benches – Infrastructure

Our Test Benches – Infrastructure

Cooling Lab Test Bench​

  • battery thermal investigations (single cell and module tests)​
  • long time experiments with cooling​
  • Thermal impedance spectroscopy​
  • Power electronics thermal measurements​
  • Outlook for one-stop-shop thermal investigations: ​
    Battery & inverter & E-motor​

Aerothermal Test Bench​

  • cooling components​
  • Pressure Drop​
  • Heat Rejection​
  • Temperatures​
  • radiator, intercooler, oilcooler​
  • air flow sensor calibration​
  • wall film experiments​

Gas Lab​

  • calibration and test gas supply​
  • gas mixer / diluter​
  • UV & VIS spectroscopy​
  • various gas cells ​
  • detection limits down to immission level​
  • Gases: ​
    NH3, NO, NO2, SO2, N2O, ​
    air, N2​

Hot Air Test Bench​

  • exhaust system investigations​
  • gas distribution​
  • gas decomposition​
  • wall film​
  • spray optimization​
  • acoustic experiments​

Test Benches – Infrastructure

Cooling Lab

  • Thermal investigation of single cells and modules
  • Immersion cooling and indirect cooling
  • Cell ageing for different cooling methods
  • Different thermal management fluids
  • Thermal impedance spectroscopy 

Test Benches – Infrastructure

Aerothermal Test Bench​

Cooling Components

  • Pressure Drop
  • Heat Rejection
  • Temperatures​​


Air Flow Sensor Calibration


  • Multihole
  • Wilson Tubes
  • ViF-Probes

Wall Film


  • Height
  • Speed
  • Width

Test Benches – Infrastructure

Gas Lab

Sensor Development

​Spectroscopic System​

    • Tomographic Emission Detector (TED)
    • ViF-PEMS
    • Long Path Gas Cells
  • Filter Optimization
  • Gas Sensor Calibration
    • Gas mixer available

Test Benches – Infrastructure

Hot Air Test Bench​

Selective Catalytic Reduction​

  • Gas Decomposition
  • Wall film
  • Spray Optimization