Fluid Human-System Interaction Symposium
Join the Fluid HSI Symposium
VIRTUAL VEHICLE is bringing together international experts for the second Fluid Human-System Interaction Symposium on June 4th and 5th, 2024, in Graz.
The Goal:
To discuss the interaction between drivers, vehicles, and road users for safe and efficient mobility in complex environments, identifying challenges and opportunities, formulating expectations, and developing common visions.
Why “Fluid”?
“Fluid” is a strong metaphor for interaction concepts that bridge the gaps between users and technologies, guiding users seamlessly and intuitively.
The program features three keynote speakers who will take participants on a journey: From identifying issues with current vehicle interfaces to concrete applications of fluid design principles and considerations of standardization requirements.
In addition, workshops, roundtable discussions, and fishbowl conversations are designed to stimulate interactions and foster innovative ideas.
More about the keynote speakers, content, program, and registration:
The Keynote Speakers